the prime minister
KAMLOOPS B.C. — Justin Trudeau holds a town hall at Thompson Rivers University. The packed gymnasium had the opportunity to ask the prime minister a question on January 9, 2019.
the poet
VERNON B.C. - John La Greca reads from his recently published book, Homeless Memorial on July 26, 2018.
The husband
The Cricket Player
the clown
MONTREAL - Pascal Duguay Gosselin, a circus performer from Izza Flambe et l’AbracadaBOOM Cirkus, stuffs his long wedding dress on Oct. 8, 2018. He is about to stand on stilts and walk across the Van Horne Viaduct in Montreal's Mile End for the Parade Phénoménale. Clowns, performers, and every day people showed up dressed in vibrant costumes for the event that marked the start of the Festival Phénomena, a celebration of art.
the food blogger
MONTREAL - A portrait of blogger Food Guy MTL taken Friday, March 2, 2018. Dustin Gilman reviews meals served at restaurants and can be seen on Breakfast Television in Montreal.
summer cold
PENTICTON B.C. - This guy was freezing after jumping into the choppy Okanagan Lake to secure the floating play structure just visible behind him on Sept. 5, 2018.
the environmental journalist
MONTREAL QC — Kaaria Quash poses in the kitchen of his upstairs bachelor apartment in the winter of 2018. He is studying journalism at Concordia University.
the illustrator
MONTREAL Q.C. - Dalia Hangan enjoys a cigarette downtown Montreal as she poses for this photo, moments before revealing her drawing inside her sketch book.
the hockey player
MONTREAL QC — Hovig “Hovi” Shahinian poses in a studio with a precious object: his hockey stick. It is the fall of 2017, and he is in his second semester studying visual journalism at Concordia University.
the journalist
MONTREAL QC — Natalia Fedosieieva holds her camera before posing for her studio portrait in fall 2017.